Lendy High Court Result Great News For P2P Lenders

I’m not new to reading long-winded court judgments, so I want to write about some interesting points for lenders that came up in this 83-page High Court judgment on Lendy this month. My thoughts are not specifically for people who lent through Lendy, the disgraced…

How To Assess The People Behind P2P Personal Or Business Lending Platforms

One of the key things to understand when putting your money into a lending account is the competence and character of the people behind the P2P lending company in question. While I can’t distill all 4thWay’s acquired knowledge and method for scrutinising key people, I’m…

What Lending Works Has Got Wrong

Lending Works has said to us that lenders have expressed support of it during the pandemic. And we have corroborating evidence that it’s probably a minority of lenders who are truly angry. Yet there’s certainly some anger going around. While it has so far justified its…

Lending Works Review

Below is the latest Lending Works review given by one of 4thWay’s specialists. On 14th December, 2021, Lending Works changed its business model, so that lending is now only done by financial institutions. Inidividual lenders will see their existing loans steadily repaid. I currently have…

What Happened To P2P Lending Companies That Closed?

I’ve taken a new look at what happened to lenders at the different peer-to-peer lending sites that closed or shifted away from the P2P model. The vast majority of closures have been benign for lenders, leading to a profitable return of their money, but there…

How Useful Are Borrower Guarantees In Peer-To-Peer Lending?

Borrowers provide personal and even corporate guarantees to say that their own personal or other business assets, including cash and their residences, can potentially be called upon to pay off a business debt. The business debt might be a small business loan or a property…

RateSetter Review – Investment Analysis By 4thWay

4thWay’s RateSetter Review RateSetter is sold to Metro Bank and repays all lenders with a profit RateSetter itself was sold to Metro Bank in 2020 and was no longer available to new lending. In early 2021, RateSetter’s P2P loans were sold to Metro Bank. All…

Update on HNW Lending’s Pause In Lending

For the full story on HNW Lending, read the HNW Lending Review. [orangebox title=”Latest update”] Update on 28th October, 2020 HNW Lending has given us more good news today. It says the financial regulator has now allowed it to remove the temporary restrictions that HNW…

Predicting the Property Market For P2P Lending

Certainly, it’s not much of a prediction to guess that, over the long term, house prices will rise. I mean that’s very clear. So I’m concerning myself today with short-term house prices, which can be more relevant when lending anyway. House-price movements change the risks…

What Investors Can Learn From RateSetter’s Sale To Metro Bank

RateSetter and Metro Bank have done a deal: RateSetter has been sold to Metro. RateSetter’s existing lenders will see their existing loans paid off while borrowers meet their repayments, as usual. Buto new lending will occur through the platform. Metro Bank will use RateSetter’s lending…

Best P2P Lending Accounts And IFISAs During COVID-19

The past few months have been a strange, rough and disturbing time for many – perhaps most – people in the UK. Investors in the stock market have been slammed dreadfully. P2P lending and IFISAs have been a lot more stable, as you should expect…

Peer-to-Peer Lending Vs Bonds

Most peer-to-peer lending sits in the sweet spot with potential rewards considerably above savings accounts and yet risks below the stock market. And its incredibly steady record since 2005 certainly supports that. But where exactly does peer-to-peer lending sit compared to bonds? Peer-to-peer lending has…

How The Financial Ombudsman Protects Your P2P lending

I have a lot of professional and some personal experience with the Financial Ombudsman Service, all of it good. This powerful and excellent service has helped millions of people. It handles complaints about financial businesses that are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This includes…

Is Lending Works Still A Good Investment?

Lending Works has adjusted its forecasts of lender returns and bad debts for new loans. It’s increased the amount of borrower payments that now cover bad debts, with lending rates remaining attractive in its highest-paying account. All this has taken place after hiring a new…

Who Can Invest In Peer-To-Peer Lending?

Peer-to-peer lending (including P2P IFISAs) is classified as one of the safer alternative investments, which is why it’s available to all who wish to invest by lending directly to other people, businesses and property owners. But, since it’s still a relatively new form of investing,…

Do “Sophisticated Investors” Have Less Legal Protection?

Jocelyn, 4thWay subscriber, wrote: “I’m having real problems understanding what the implications are of saying that I am a sophisticated rather than retail investor in the new appropriateness checks, and I wonder whether 4thway will be doing a short piece on this – I tried…

The P2P Lending Sites That Spread Your Money Across Every Loan

You can go to this comparison page that is filtered for you to compare peer-to-peer lending platforms that automatically assign you to loans, or that offer you the option to do so. So: Which peer-to-peer lending platforms spread your risks? Most of them do not…

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