Your Panel of Peers

Our website users are in charge!

4thWay® users such as yourself – that's other people who lend their money through P2P websites – are nominated by you to govern this website. They are the Panel of Peers.

The single job of the Panel of Peers is to ensure that 4thWay's services are, and remain, highly trustworthy. To reverse that: is 4thWay going to cause its users any harm? The Panel mulls over that question while checking up on 4thWay's content.

To read about the Panel of Peers' specific powers and responsibilities, read Panel of Peers' Powers And Responsibilities.

Who's on the Panel?

Voted by 4thWay® users, we already have two people from your own ranks on the Panel of Peers. That's two experienced and active individuals in P2P lending.

Read about who is ensuring that 4thWay® maintains high standards of trustworthiness and accuracy.

Phil Bellamy

Phil Bellamy

Phil Bellamy is a consultant to the financial services sector, and managing director of He was also a pension trustee and Chairman of the Trustees of a large pension scheme, and has a detailed understanding of many types of investments.

Phil has been doing P2P lending for over 10 years now, and currently has assets spread across about a dozen platforms.

If that wasn't enough, he also has the website, which has a lot of interesting, unique and educational articles on how to earn, make, save and invest your money.

In the spare time he has left, he's trying to teach his children financial literacy, which can be challenging at times with 11- and 14-year-old pupils!

Questions for Phil from 4thWay users

Have you lost money at any P2P lending platforms?

“I haven't had any significant losses on P2P to date, but I have of course experienced unpaid debts, some of them being written off completely, but as they were spread over many loans, the interest from others offset the losses. The platform was Zopa, for info.”

Nathan Hill

Nathan Hill is a senior research fellow in primary care at the University of Oxford. His research background comes in handy when he's looking into peer-to-peer lending investments.

He was a founding member of the MoneySavingExpert community, he's an avid stoozer, passive investor and matched bettor.

He helps run the not-for-profit Society for Academic Primary Care.

Plus he's a black-belt-ninja-single-parent with a six-year-old boy! But he still volunteers some of his free time to help ensure all of you can trust what you read on 4thWay®!

Join the Panel

Please help maintain our website as a haven of trustworthy, candid, accessible information for you and other lenders in the often murky world of finance.

We're looking for more active individual savers and investors like you to join the first governing body of this website. If we're failing you and other individual lenders, you can order us to put things right.

Who the existing panel is looking for

The panel is looking for knowledgeable investors to govern our website and make sure it always stays focused on individual lenders' interests.

In return for a few hours work per year, we'll offer you free access to any premium services that we add to our website.

We'd prefer you to use your real name but you can use an internet name provided we can be fairly sure that you are not connected to anyone at 4thWay® or to the P2P lending industry itself.

To put your name or someone else's forward for nomination by other 4thWay® users, please get in touch with me, the main founder and a fellow investor and P2P lender:

Neil Faulkner
Phone: 020 8144 3364
Skype: trythe4thway

Copyright BFGSL Ltd and 4thWay® 2014-2025. This peer-to-peer lending/IFISA comparison and ratings website is based on high-quality research, which requires investment. Please share content from our website by linking to it and not by copying it. See our T&Cs and Copyright Policy for more details and to buy additional rights. Acknowledge your sources.